1. Zoo animals can escape and have killed other animals

All the animals are behind super thick glass or in secure cages, right? There’s no way they could escape? Well, animals escape from zoos a lot more than you might expect… And no, we’re not talking about small insects or reptiles.

Seven chimpanzees made headlines by using a ladder that they made from a tree branch to escape (showing just how clever the animals are.) In another instance, one orangutan even taught his other simian friends how to escape using a tree branch as a crowbar to open the gates to their enclosure. But not all break-out attempts are as impressive and sometimes the animals can’t be recaptured quick enough. Just last year, a jaguar escaped from its habitat in New Orleans and killed eight other animals. Tigers, lions and bobcats have also escaped from zoos and have been on the lam for days before being taken back.

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Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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