Isolation Self-Care Tips We All Need To Practise

Now that we find ourselves in isolation, self-care tips have become even more important for keeping our physical and mental wellbeing in check.

Amidst the hurricane of the coronavirus (COVID-19) that has hit the UK and countries across the world, we are all feeling anxious and uncertain about what is to come and how we should carry ourselves through this pandemic.

The important thing to remember is that as difficult and drastic as this lifestyle change may be, there is always something to be thankful for and always a better day ahead. We need to hold on to that thought and do our bit to protect our loved ones.

With that being said, we recognise that practising self-isolation and social distancing is an enormous sacrifice and change to our livelihood.

To try and help make this extended amount of time at home just that little bit better for you, we’ve put together a list of some of the best self-care tips to keep your mind and body happy even in quarantine!

Isolation Self Care Tips 1: Keep Up Good Hygiene

Keeping up good hygiene is important even when we’re not facing a global pandemic! Pesky germs are always rampant so try to prevent spreading them as much as you can by keeping yourself and your environment clean!

You should regularly wash your hands with soap and hot water, especially when leaving and returning to your home. You should also regularly disinfect key areas such as the kitchen and bathroom.

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2. Eat Well

Not only does healthy eating generally make for a healthier immune system but it also makes us feel a lot better both mentally and physically. If we eat too many sugary and calorific snacks as well as binging on takeaways every week, this is likely to leave us feeling sluggish, unmotivated and bloated.

You should ensure that you are incorporating a balanced diet into your life that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats. Of course, we can still have a bit of cheeky chocolate and snack as long as we don’t go overboard! Remember, everything in moderation is key!

A lot of the time, we tend to snack because we’re bored, and in isolation, boredom is certainly going to be a big factor! It’s important to recognise when we might be eating out of boredom/habit rather than actual hunger in order to substitute the junk food for a healthier and more productive alternative.

Healthline provide a list of a number of healthy snacks that are both low in calories and high in nutrients to keep you going for longer.

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3. Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep

According to NHS guidelines, the average amount of sleep adults should be getting per night is somewhere between 6-9 hours. Not many people manage to stick to a rigid sleeping routine but trying as best we can will do a lot for our mind and general health.

If you’re currently working from home, you will most likely already have a regular waking up and going to bed time. However, if this is not the case and you are not working a set number of hours each day, it becomes even more important to try and find a sense of normality and day to day routine.

Waking up around the same time every day is a good way to build up a healthier sleeping pattern. It can be tempting to catch up on sleep if you’ve had a poor night’s sleep prior but try to avoid doing this as to not disrupt your sleeping pattern!

It is recommended that you take time to unwind before going to bed. If you struggle to get to sleep at night or suffer with insomnia, this is even more crucial! There are many ways to unwind before bed, including:

  1. Taking a warm (but not hot) bath.

  2. Writing a ‘to do’ list for the next day.

  3. Doing relaxation exercises such as yoga.

  4. Listening to soothing music and sound effects.

  5. Reading a book or listening to the radio.

You should also avoid using phones, tablets or electronic devices for an hour before going to bed (yes that means no social media scrolling!) The blue light that emits from screens can delay the release of sleep-inducing melatonin. (Basically, it’ll keep you wide awake!)

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4. Exercise

As a recommended guideline, adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorously intense exercise per week.

Before you panic, physical activity doesn’t mean that you have to go straight into intense cardio and lifting weights. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength-training workouts are great for burning fat and building muscle if you want to really get yourself into shape and tone up.

However, if your goal is to just stay healthy and you want to avoid anything too taxing on the joints, walking is a low-impact form of exercise that is super good for our heart, mind and physical fitness.

Just a daily ten-minute brisk walk reaps many health benefits and burns calories. You don’t have to go to the extreme to stay active – even mowing the lawn is an example of moderately intense exercise!

Even when you don’t feel like doing anything or perhaps are feeling overwhelmed, getting some fresh air can really help to soothe the mind.

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5. Keep In Regular Contact With People And Reach Out For Help When You Need It

Isolation can get very lonely – it’s in the name! As humans, we are designed to build connections with others and most of us spend our lives surrounded by a close network of friends and family. In our new reality, this has been taken away from us and it’s okay to feel angry and saddened by that.

However, social distancing doesn’t necessarily mean social distancing – it means physical distancing. The government have instructed that we remain at least 2 metres apart from others, we avoid leaving the house unless for exercise or essentials shopping, and that we do not visit friends or family until further notice.

However, just because we cannot go and see our loved ones in person doesn’t mean that we have to be cut off from them. Yes, it is a difficult adjustment but it is possible to have a great time having video and phone calls (and perhaps a glass or two of prosecco ahem) with your best pals.

You can always call, FaceTime or Skype your friends and family whenever you want! In fact, it is encouraged to keep checking in on everyone. It’s likely that most people will be struggling from time to time and this is totally normal.

Check in on people and reach out to a friend or family member when you’re feeling low and need someone to talk to.

Some of the most popular and best ranked video chatting apps, include:

  1. FaceTime

  2. WhatsApp

  3. Facebook Messenger

  4. Skype

  5. Google Hangouts

  6. Zoom

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Remember, it’s okay to feel disillusioned with things at the moment when there is so much uncertainty and change. However, it is important to remember that we will get through this and there is always support out there. You are doing a good thing by isolating and saving lives! Be proud of yourself and treat yourself with the care and respect you deserve.

We hope that you will take these isolation self-care tips on board and look into more ways to keep yourself happy and healthy also!

Practise self-care and spend time looking after your mental health and body. We’re all in this together.

Video Source: /Twitter @StLukesLondon

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Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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