Jeremy Clarkson Wife – Number 3 On The Way?
The outspoken presenter is best known for courting controversy and his love of motors but could Jeremy Clarkson be about to wed wife number 3? With two failed marriages behind him, Jeremy Clarkson has found love for a third time with ex-model Lisa Hogan.

Jeremy Clarkson has spoken of her in glowing terms and recently gave an interview when he was uncharacteristically soppy. But could this mean that wedding number 3 is imminent?
We take a closer look at Jeremy Clarkson’s love life and some of his career lowlights and highlights.
Clarkson’s 1st Wife – Alex Hall
Jeremy Clarkson has been married twice, his first wife was Alex Hall in 1989. This union didn’t last very long as she walked out after just six months admitting that she’d fallen in love with one of his friends.

Clarkson’s 2nd Wife – Frances Cain
Clarkson’s second marriage fared much better. He married Frances Cain in 1993 and the couple were married for 21 years. During this time they had three children together – Finlo, Katya and Emily – and Frances took on the role as his business manager.

The couple split in 2014 in a divorce which was notoriously messy. Jeremy Clarkson’s first wife commented on the break-up, suggesting that Frances should receive a huge settlement,
“It is her hard work that has made him into the idol he is today. Jeremy is the frontman, but behind the scenes she was the swan paddling frantically beneath the surface. So she deserves every penny she gets – she worked for it.”
However, there is much mystery around Jeremy Clarkson’s relationship with his first wife. Although their marriage was only very brief, she claimed that they continued to have sex together over the years, including after he got wed again.
Jeremy Clarkson was unhappy with these claims and the media interest and obtained an injunction against ex-wife Alex, preventing her from talking about them. He later lifted the injunction voluntarily.
Girlfriend Lisa Hogan – Upcoming Wife no.3 ?
Having two failed marriages wasn’t enough to put Clarkson off the idea of romance and in February 2017, the star went public about his romance with Lisa Hogan. They attended the GQ Man of the Year Awards 2017 together as their first public engagement and have been seen together on countless occasions since.
Friends describe the pair as ‘inseparable’ and credit her with the improvement in his overall health. Clarkson shed two stone recently, leaving him fitter and in better physical shape than he has been for decades.
This weight loss came as the couple decided to take a “gap year” and enjoy some time travelling. Staying in remote locations, including countries such as Vietnam, cars were simply not available. This meant cycling everywhere, including to the pub.
“I went on a gap year! I went on a gap year to Indochina. They just have a better diet out there. Plus I had a bicycle rather than a car. Cycling is not a good thing to do, I’m all broken as a result of it but I did lose a lot of weight.”
“Where I was staying was separated from the small town by a mountain but it was much bigger than Everest. It was only 3 kilometres and I cycled it every day, I said “I can’t have a drink unless I cycle into town” I wanted to get fit.”
Who Is Lisa Hogan?
Born in Ireland, Lisa Hogan is 49 and is a mother of three. With a statuesque 6”2 frame, she previously enjoyed a successful career as a model but later dabbled in a range of different jobs, including research and launching a second-hand clothing business.

She now works as a movie script developer but this isn’t the first time she’s become close to a man in the spotlight. Her combination of classic good looks and fierce intelligence have won her admirers in the past, including famous funnyman John Cleese and rich playboy Baron Steven Bentinck.
Hogan’s relationship with John Cleese was heavily scrutinised after the pair became close when working together on Fierce Creatures in 1997. Cleese is given credit for “finding” Hogan a few years prior to this and over time, gradually became enamoured with her.
Lisa Hogan And Ex-Husband
Hogan has always insisted that Cleese was just a good friend and that the pair enjoyed spending time together but many believe the relationship was more intimate than either Hogan or Cleese admitted.
With Baron Steven Bentinck, things were far more clearcut. The pair fell deeply in love and lived together in Moyns Park.
However, although the Baron may have been rich and handsome, life didn’t always go to plan. Hogan was in a Lear jet chartered by him when it overshot the runway and crashed onto the A40. Despite the shocking circumstances, Hogan somehow walked away with nothing more than a cut on her leg.
A hospital helicopter pilot who attended the scene described just how fortunate the actress has been:
“How on earth a plane that size didn’t cause more damage I don’t know. If it had landed six feet either way then the passenger in the plane would have been killed or even the pilots. It was a mess when I arrived and I think that everyone involved was extremely lucky.”
Hogan went on to have three children with Baron Steven Bentinck, Wolfe, Alice and Lizzie but the relationship didn’t work out. In 2005, Hogan and the Baron split on friendly terms.
She later went on to enjoy a fling with Craig Cohon A Canadian investor and multi-millionaire before getting together with Clarkson.
Controversy around Jeremy Clarkson At Top Gear
Although Jeremy Clarkson’s love life is now running smoothly, he’s also had a bumpy time professionally in recent years.
He was widely regarded as Mr Top Gear, having started on the show in 1988, with the programme dominated by his personality. For many, the idea of Top Gear without Clarkson at the helm was unthinkable but after a bust-up with a producer that’s exactly what happened.

The Top Gear team were filming on location when Jeremy Clarkson arrived back at the hotel late after stopping off at a bar with Richard Hammond. On being told that there was no hot food available, Clarkson lost his temper and punched the producer Oisin Tymon.
The producer had to be treated in hospital and later sued the show for damages. The BBC suspended Clarkson while it investigated, and cancelled live shows which were due to take place.
Although the shamed presenter apologised for his actions, the damage was done. BBC fired the presenter, in what was a very acrimonious split.
Some have suggested that the reason why the BBC took such strong action was because this wasn’t the first complaint they received about Clarkson. Complaints over racist language had previously been received when Jeremy Clarkson used offensive wording in a children’s ditty.
More With Top Gear
Top Gear has since gone on to continue with different presenters, to mixed responses from the audience. There had been other incidents too, such as language used when filming in Burma. The complaints had been upheld at the time and a final warning issued to Clarkson. Although punching the crew member may have warranted being fired anyway, against the backdrop of multiple complaints there was only ever going to be one outcome.
Although Richard Hammond and James May weren’t involved in the incident in any way, they also resigned from the show. The pair felt unable to continue without Clarkson, and their walkout was accompanied by Top Gear’s founder and executive producer, Andy Wilman.

Top Gear has since gone on to continue with different presenters, to mixed responses from the audience. Radio DJ Chris Evans was lined up to step in alongside Friend actor Matt LeBlanc and motoring journalist Chris Harris. The pairing caused immediate whispers of discontent among the audience and the relaunch was doomed from the start.
As predicted, Top Gear failed to secure the same success as it had under Clarkson and Chris Evans resigned after just one series. Subsequently, Matt LeBlanc quit too, leaving producers looking for new main presenters to host alongside Chris Harris.
Freddie Flintoff and Paddy McGuinness were brought in to fill the gap and instantly the show surged in popularity once more. The easy camaraderie and banter between the hosts closely mimicked the atmosphere that Clarkson, Hammond and May had created, the one thing that had been missing since the departure.
Another Motoring Show – The Grand Tour
After Jeremy Clarkson was sacked by the BBC, there was a lot of speculation about what he would do next. As Top Gear’s identity was so inextricably linked with the curly haired star. There were even some musings that he could restart the show on another channel. While Clarkson was forced to abandon Top Gear and start up again, he didn’t exactly venture far from his comfort zone. Just after he was sacked, he was heard saying
“I have lost my baby but I shall create another. I don’t know who the other parent will be or what the baby will be like.”
The Grand Tour was Jeremy Clarkson’s new show. And his fellow presenters were a couple of faces that Top Gear fans would have been very familiar with: Richard Hammond and James May. The trio reunited on Amazon Prime with a motoring show that would have seemed very similar to a certain other unnamed motoring show…
Jeremy Clarkson’s Journey with The Grand Tour
The format of The Grand Tour included timed racing laps, car reviews, motoring challenges, celebrity guests and studio segments. The show was recorded in a large tent, giving it a very distinctive vibe. During the first series, the studio tent moved to different locations every week but from the second series onwards. It was fixed in the Cotswolds.
Comparisons were made between The Grand Tour and Top Gear as the format of the two shows were almost identical. However, despite fears that fans wouldn’t be interested in swapping channels, the series was a resounding success.
The three presenters were originally signed up to present a total of 36 episodes to be recorded at unspecified intervals over a period of three years. Having completed three full series, The Grand Tour is continuing but in a slightly different format.
Rather than keeping the same old routine every week. Jeremy Clarkson, James and Hammond will now focus on recording special one-off episodes. They believe this will help to keep the show fresh and move it on from where it started.
Jeremy Clarkson’s Other TV Work
Although Clarkson was sacked from Top Gear, it didn’t stop him from being able to secure other work on TV. Despite his reputation for being difficult and demanding. The presenter found he was able to take his pick of interesting work.
One of these involved taking over the hot seat on hit quiz show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Previously hosted by Christ Tarrant. There was a lot of pressure on Clarkson to continue the success but he’s received great plaudits for his performance.
This could be due at least in part to the feedback that Clarkson received from his girlfriend. He’s confessed that she wasn’t impressed with his initial approach and as a result of her disapproval, he’s now kinder to the contestants.
Clarkson admitted:
“I always said if I’d been in Tarrant’s shoes, I’d snarl and snap at hopeless contestants for wasting everyone else’s evening. I tried it on the first show and afterwards my girlfriend was cross with me because I’d been ‘horrid’.”
Jeremy Clarkson has some experience in hosting a quiz show. As he’s guest presented Have I Got News For You on several occasions. Since Angus Deayton’s shameful departure the show has never had a permanent host. But Jeremy Clarkson has been the most frequent guest presenter.
Books have been another mainstay in Clarkson’s career, with 19 titles released. This perhaps isn’t a surprise. As he’s had a column for The Sun and the Sunday Times, both of which acquired a huge following.
HIs outspoken and controversial views have underpinned his success. One example of this is when he was released from hospital in 2017 after acquiring pneumonia.
He claimed:
“…getting on for three-quarters of a million fags have not harmed me in any way. I have quite literally defied medical science.”
Life of Jeremy Clarkson on the Farm
Although Jeremy Clarkson is more associated with swish and glamorous cars, when it comes to his own life, he’s much more down to earth. He lives on a farm in Oxfordshire, together with Hogan, and the pair enjoy a lifestyle that’s free of the usual celebrity trappings.
These days, you’re just as likely to find Clarkson on the seat of a John Deere tractor as roaring around in a Lamborghini. In fact, one recent snap that the star shared showed his lady love looking rather windswept as she posed on a farm tractor.

Life on the farm is a huge part of Clarkson’s life now and it’s opened up a new venture for him. He bought the farm a year ago and it’s the subject of a new documentary which follows his progress,
“I Bought the Farm”. The farm is named Diddly Squat and lies in the Chipping Norton countryside.
One clip shows Clarkson standing in a wet field, outlining the challenges that he and Hogan are facing.
“Good news, I can finally confirm that I will be spending the next year in the rain. Making a show about farming for Amazon Prime.”
He added,
“That means people all over the world can watch me use 1000-acres of the Cotswolds. To make thousands of tonnes of beer, and bread, and lamb chops, and jumpers. Of course to be a farmer you have to be an agronomist, a businessman, a politician, an accountant, a vet, and a mechanic, and I am none of those things…I don’t even know what agronomist means!”
However, this isn’t just a publicity stunt for Clarkson. And he’s committed to enjoying life on a farm beyond the documentary. So much so, in fact, that he’s opened up a farm shop which he’s named Squat Shop.
The Opening of The Farm
He threw open the doors to his farm shop in February 2020, but the launch didn’t exactly go to plan. The recent heavy rain in the UK meant that the grounds surrounding the farm were muddy. And boggy and the influx of visitors quickly turned the car park into a quagmire.
Although many visitors were able to enter the shop. A number of others had to turn back as they weren’t able to navigate through the ground. Clarkson himself admitted that it was a “nightmare” and apologised to disappointed fans on his Twitter page.
Despite the setback, many people were able to visit the shop and feedback for his produce has been glowing. The same no-nonsense approach that Clarkson is famed for appears to have been adopted for the farm. With several signs bearing his trademark humour.
An open fire might normally be a health and safety nightmare. But the farm cheerily displays a sign which blithely warns,
“Do not catch fire”!
Goods of Clarkson’s Farm
The goods sold in the shop are described as ‘guaranteed non-organic’ as vegetables are said to be ‘drizzled with fungicides’. The farm shop will be unheated and free of meat. And will only sell produce from Clarkson’s own farm has grown.
Some of the items up for sale were ‘mildly organic horseradish’, chicken eggs described as ‘good exercise’ and apple juice ‘without the rubbish’. Prices were competitive too with potatoes being sold for £1.02 per kg, which a sign declared was ‘less than Aldi’.
Jeremy Clarkson seems to be determined to battle the supermarkets. As sharing photos of his farm shop on his Instagram page,
He joked that it:
“..will put the supermarkets out of business. Bye, bye Aldi!”
Despite the teething problems with the mud, Clarkson’s farm shop was an enormous hit. Eggs and other products sold out on the opening day. With customers snapping up the bargain prices served with a slice of celebrity.
The Future
Having successfully moved on from Top Gear. It seems certain that Jeremy Clarkson’s screen career will continue to go from strength to strength. With more lined up for The Grand Tour and ongoing work, there’s more than enough to keep the star busy.
His personal life seems in better than ever shape and his relationship with Lisa Hogan has been free of controversy. With the pair appearing to share many interests and enjoying spending time together. Surely it’s only a matter of time before Lisa Hogan becomes wife number three? With a £10 million + package negotiated with ex-wife Frances Cain, Clarkson is now free to wed again. Keep watching this space to find out what happens!