At the time, it seemed like an annoying imposition if you were lucky enough to have the ability to visit your grandparents, something that your parents had to force you into rather than something you should be running towards! However, take a look at the list below and you’ll find yourself being transported to the 80s by some grandparent nostalgia.

1. Glass Animals

The funny thing about glass ornaments is that, while they’ve essentially come to be known as hugely tacky and something that elderly people collect, it actually takes a huge amount of skill to make something like the image above. You have to put so much time and effort into perfecting your ability that it should probably be much better respected.

2. Candlewick Bedspread

Why is it that grandmas seem to have a different style to everyone else? It’s almost like you get to a certain age and your brain starts to tell you that you’ve not got to like the kind of stuff you never liked when you were younger. Or maybe it’s after you have grand kids? I suppose I’ll find out.

3. Wool Blankets

The main thing I remember from visiting my Nana was that even if I didn’t want it, I was essentially going to bed with enough blankets to keep me warm for the rest of my life.

4. Glass Fish

Sure, we’ve already had glass ornaments on the list, but for some reason it seems like most peoples grans went for the glass fish more than they did any other form of ornament. Is there a reason that the elderly have more of an affinity with fish? Is there really any parallels between the two? I can’t think of any!

5. Brass

It sort of feels like that when you get older you decide that what you want on your walls and around your house, rather than interesting or inspiring art, you’re going to move onto knickknacks that cost too much and probably won’t bring your kids much inheritance either.

6. These Mirrors

Was I the only one who felt like they were in a house of mirrors whenever they stepped into their grandmother’s house? It was if she wanted me to realise that I never looked as nice as I wanted from every single angle conceivable. Who knew that was even possible? Well, my nana clearly!

7. Woodchip Wallpaper

Rather than this being an elderly thing, I always found that this was more of a decades thing! Both the 80s and 90s were inundated with this stuff and I really don’t understand why. There was nothing more unpleasant than this woodchip wallpaper and it was essentially inviting children to pull away at the stuff you’ve got all over your walls. I know I did! That being said, there was something hugely enjoyable at pulling the stuff away and revealing all those bits of wood.

8. Horse And Cart Ornament

What is it about old people that leads them to buying the same sort of stuff? Do you reckon that they look at younger people and think the same thing? Like, they think that we’re all going round and buying the same stuff that they just don’t understand the appeal of. I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe they’ve got their own websites where they compile lists of everything that young people do that they just don’t understand.

9. Newton’s cradle ornaments.

I think everyone’s grandma and grandad had at least one of these on their mantelpiece and you’d sit there staring at it for ages whilst it rocked back and forth aimlessly. There really wasn’t anything special about these things but we’d for some reason sit there playing with them for ages.

10. Jelly shoes.

I don’t know about you but my gran would always have a pair of these by the back door that she’d use to take the bins out or just pop outside to chat to her neighbour. They were the comfiest pair of shoes but I wouldn’t be seen dead in a pair now.

11. Brandy glass.

If you still have this glass and the cats stayed on it then you deserve a medal. Ours would always fall off for some annoying reason and it would drive my gran absolutely insane because she was convinced she would be able to sell these for a mint now.

12. Whimsies.

They came in little boxes like a little matchbox and you’d end up having loads. My gran would always have a few on the edge of her fireplace and the corner of her TV stand that I would play with every time I went round.

13. Address book.

I’m pretty sure my grandma still has one of these in her cupboard somewhere. It was bright red because it had to match the phone and it was covered in stickers where people had changed their numbers when they moved. You’d always end up fiddling with the little thing in the middle too ?

14. Dymo.

I used to love messing around with these things. My nan had a bright orange one & every time she recorded something, she would get this out and let me use it. I never got bored of it, that was until the tape ran out…

15. The Natwest piggies.

“The piggies are waiting, waiting for you, down at the NatWest, say how do you do, how do you doooo” Remember it?

Can you remember their names? The one in the black one is Nathaniel, the blue lady one was Hillary, the green one was Annabel, the one with blue trousers and tie was Maxwell and the baby was Woody. Did you have them?

Did we miss anything? Did you think that your nana had something that they all had but can’t find it on the list? Why not SHARE and see if your friends agree with everything in the article as well! 


Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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