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Original Snow White?


  • Overrated
  • Underrated
  • Appropriately Rated

QUIZ: Tell Us Which Disney Princesses Are Overrated & We’ll Reveal Whether The Player Is Even A Real Disney Fan

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We all have our favourite Disney princess – or maybe even more than one, seeing as there are so many to choose from. We also know which Disney princess we can most relate to based on their life story and life struggles (feeling like you’re Cinderella every time you have to do a household chore, for instance).

But what does it take to be recognised as a true Disney princess? Do you think obvious beauty is completely overrated? Do you think Merida’s skills with a bow and arrow are ridiculously underrated? Maybe being able to sing whilst baking a pie isn’t what it means to be a true princess (we’re looking at you, Snow White).

A lot of Disney princesses have gained royal acclaim simply by sleeping a lot and hardly speaking. So what does it truly take to be a Disney princess?

This quiz has collected the best of your Royal female Disney line up for you to decide which characters are truly overrated, which ones deserve more recognition and which gals have always got exactly the recognition they deserve.

It takes a true Disney fan to know a real Princess when they see one!