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QUIZ: Rate These Celeb Outfits & We Can Guess The Player’s Age

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A celebrity’s taste in fashion can be complex. Whether it’s pushing the boundaries, creating an iconic look that will last throughout generations, or wearing something purely bizarre just because they can, there’s no doubt about it when you consider how interesting celeb fashion can be. Especially for glamorous events like awards shows and galas, celebrity’s either make or break their personal style.

Do you have the same style as your fav celeb? Or maybe the most sought after looks make you turn away in digust? Usually, a person’s age reveals a lot about their fashion sense. Maybe you prefer long-sleeved sweaters to mini skirts, or maybe that low-cut gown is just a little too revealing for your tastes.

With the amount of money these celebs have in their pockets, it makes sense that they’d invest in the best fashion items and style advice available to them. But looking at some of them, you might wonder where all that cash really goes…

By rating the following outfits from this list of A-list celebs, we can deduce how old you are – and remember, be honest!