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QUIZ: Pick Or Pass On 70s Heart Throbs And We Will Select The Player’s Dream Man

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The 1970s witnessed an era of seriously good looks on the Hollywood stage. Following the Beatles-mania of the 1960s, new icons like John Travolta and Shaun Cassidy began receiving attention for their looks and charm.

Plus, the 1970s were the era of boy bands and groupies; it was even the decade in which Glastonbury first became an enviable festival destination.

Attractive and famous male celebrities began dominating magazines covers and attracted serious attention for defining the male physique of the decade.

But at the same time, there were also some questionable fashion and hair choices. For example, it’s hard to see why mullets were ever a desirable fashion statement *cough Rita Ora*

70s heartthrobs really do prove that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; in fact, beauty standards are even variable to change from one decade to the next. We definitely think that some male hotties from the 1970s would not make it on to Love Island if they were famous today!

The real question is: are these photos of 70s heartthrobs still the peak image of boy hotness? Or can they not compete with Instagram filters and better hair gel?  Pick or Pass on these photos to determine the man of the player’s dreams.